Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter also referred to as “cacao butter”, is the fat extracts from cacao seeds. Cocoa butter is used to add flavor, scent, and texture to things like chocolate (which we all love!). It is also used in many of our everyday cosmetics, tanning oils, soaps, and other topical creams and lotions. Cocoa butter has established its role as the ultimate moisturizer, working to keep skin feeling young, soft and vibrant.

Aside from the cosmetic properties, cocoa butter has shown to work wonders when healing skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. When applied to the skin, cacao butter forms a barrier between sensitive & irritated skin and the environment which helps to retain moisture. Pregnant women have found cacao butter to be a great method of preventing and treating stretch marks. When added to creams and lotions, it is often times used in aromatherapy massages.

The scent from the cocoa butter helps to promote relaxation and stimulate your well-being! So next time you’re out at the store shopping for your everyday skin care products be sure to look for cocoa butter. Your skin will love you for it!


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